Editorial and Responsibility
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Responsibility for the contents:
The authors respectively their teachers are responsible for the content of the articles.
From Barcelona: Patricia Mateo, Institut Joan Brossa, pmateo@institutjoanbrossa.cat
From Berlin: Christian Düntsch, duentsch@carl-zeiss-oberschule.de
From Krakow: Monika Domańska, XI Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Krakowie, monika.k.domanska@gmail.com
From Rome: Corinna Bottiglieri, Liceo Scientifico Cavour, bottigliericorinna@gmail.com
From Tallinn: Merle Teever, Tallinna 21. Kool, merle.teever@21k.ee
The images in this magazine are usually taken from our own or free or public domains such as Pixabay or Wikipedia.
In special cases the source or the author was named.
Nevertheless, if individual claims or objections exist, please contact the author respectively the responsible teacher.
The design of the online edition is made by students and teachers of Carl-Zeiss-Schule, Berlin.
December 2018
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